What’s Hot in Indie TTRPGs 2023
A compilation of data and opinionProduced by Epistolary Richard and with contributions from Chris McDowall, Fiona Howat, Laurie O'Connel, Lloyd Gyan, Nick Bate, Rob Carnel, Diogo Nogueira, Pearse Anderson, Sharang Biswas, Gabriel Kerr, Andre Novoa and with publically available data from Kickstarter, Kicktraq, DriveThruRPG and various awards as marked.
Table of Contents
- Selected Indie TTRPGs
- Some bestselling TTRPGs released on DriveThru in 2023
- Selected Themes in Indie TTRPGs from 2023
- Selected TTRPG Crowdfunding from 2023
So the first reason is to record what I’ve learned. The second reason is to try and inspire others to do the same.
I would really like a better version of this document to exist. One that’s more comprehensive, more detailed, more balanced, more accurate. One that’s put together by people with more time, ability, resources and connections than I have. Not even that (though that would be great), I would really like to read something like this written by anyone who has a different perspective, different contacts, different data or analysis than I have. I really hope this document helps encourage others to create their own. If it does, please let me know.
For the written opinions, I invited those who had contributed last year, who were recommended to me by those who had previously contributed, and anyone else who replied to social media shout outs or who were recommended by others. While I didn’t filter or select any of them I’m also aware that there is an element of self-selection, that they do not represent the full diversity within the hobby and exclude non-English speakers. Everyone’s opinions are just that, their opinions. They don’t necessarily represent my opinion, and they’re based on folk’s personal experiences with ttrpgs this year.
Finally, please be aware that - while this document is free - I receive a small commission from OneBookShelf as an affiliate if people go on to buy a product from DriveThruRPG. If you don’t like this, please remove my affiliate id (487648) before you buy.
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24XX Dying Sun
Alt link: 24XX: DYING SUN is a tabletop roleplaying game for 2+ players, designed using the framework provided by the 24XX SRD by Jason Tocci. DYING SUN depicts a world of post-apocalyptic fantasy, devastated by the corrupting sorcery of the Arcane Wars. It was inspired by a classic campaign setting from the 90's, Sword & Sorcery novels and many comic-books from the 80's. You play as Warriors, Wanderers or Warlocks, trying to survive in the harsh wastelands or dabbling with the intrigue of the city-states. |
This was a ttrpg highlighted at the 2023 Dragonmeet seminar. I enjoyed all the creativity around the 24xx system this year and enjoyed my games with the system. It is not very complex and very hackable, focusing on what is at risk and only using mechanics to represent peril. It provides a basic resolution mechanism and not much more; so subtle things in the PbtA and Forged in the Dark systems like playbooks and downtime don't clutter up the playsets that people create. Instead there is a focus on character differentiation through roles, ancestries or jobs, spark tables galore to get a game moving quickly and create an implied background. One of my favourite playsets was 24xx Dying Sun which stripped the Dark Sun setting down to the core of its fiction and in doing so removed much of the cluttered and problematic material to reveal a parable for our own overheating world. 1400 a compilation of fantasy hacks of the system ran the range from versions of the Thief computer game to the high fantasy tropes of things like the Forgotten Realms. All manner of more esoteric game worlds are available such as Super Bandit (space opera starfighters) and 18xx Richelieu (musketeers).
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ARC: Doom Tabletop RPG
Alt link: https://momatoes.itch.io/arc A tabletop role-playing game where you defeat the apocalypse. What is ARC? ARC is a tabletop RPG where heroes rise to slay the apocalypse. Stories you make and play in ARC run against a timer. While heroes navigate and transform the world around them, the real-time Doomsday Clock ticks to an irreversibly cataclysmic event. |
Something I am very excited to see being explored more and more in RPGs is the interaction between the events in the game, and the events outside the game. A lot of games are not turning their eyes on the media of RPGs itself, the way it is played, and how we, as designers, can play with that particular component of the game experience. I am seeing more and more games experimenting with the way people are set at the table, the roles the participants have on playing the game themselves and how that affects the fictional world and vice-versa. A lot of older art mediums have taken the same path, and seeing tabletop role-playing games following the same path shows how we are maturing as an art form as well. ARC - Tabletop Doom RPG is a game that does exactly this, as it ties its magic system to actual rituals players have to perform themselves, blurring the veil that separates the fictional world from the world where we are playing the game. How immersive is that? A recent adventure I wrote made something similar, as it ends with the players creating an in-game artifact outside the game, collaboratively, and when the adventure ends, the players are left with a physical artifact, a memory from their time in a fictional world. What a gift! I am excited to see how far can we explore our medium, and I bet in the next games we will see this trend finding an even more solid footing!
Diogo Nogueira is an award-winning game designer and artist from Brazil. His works include Halls of the Blood King, Kosmosaurs, Primal Quest, Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells, and many more.
Cairn 2e and Knave 2e
Alt link: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/250888/Knave?affiliate_id=487648 Cairn is an adventure game about exploring a dark & mysterious Wood filled with strange folk, hidden treasure, and unspeakable monstrosities. Character generation is quick and random, classless, and relies on fictional advancement rather than through XP or level mechanics. It is based on Knave by Ben Milton and Into The Odd by Chris McDowall Knave 2e is an exploration-driven fantasy RPG and worldbuilding toolkit, inspired by the best elements of the Old-School DnD movement. This edition expands on the intuitive core of the original game, featuring elegant, modular subsystems for hexcrawling, dungeon delving, potion making and downtime activities, all in a 80-page digest-sized hardcover lavishly illustrated by Peter Mullen. |
This were upcoming ttrpgs highlighted at the 2023 Dragonmeet seminar "Self-indulgent caveat: Both of these games are based on Into the Odd. Their popularity shows that there’s now even more interest in games that focus on an OSR style of play, but have very little D&D DNA in their actual implementation. These are by no means the only examples, but in particular both of these books are set to provide a wealth of tables, procedures, and guidance to help run an OSR type of game effectively. Very excited for both."
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Deathmatch Island
Alt link: https://www.backerkit.com/c/projects/evil-hat/deathmatch-island Deathmatch Island is a fast-paced game about a deadly gameshow on a mysterious island chain. |
Deathmatch Island by Tim Denee, solely because of the graphic design. He inspires me to incorporate more mockups and ephemera into my games, it's such a wonderful way to set the tone and introduce TTRPGs to new players. I can't wait to bring this to a table in New Zealand.
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Eat the Reich
Alt link: EAT THE REICH is a tabletop roleplaying game in which you, a vampire commando, are coffin-dropped into occupied Paris and must cut a bloody swathe through nazi forces en route to your ultimate goal: drinking all of Adolf Hitler's blood. |
Can a TTRPG be a site for resistance against fascism? This question has been explored by numerous games. Unruly Designs’ ROSENSTRASSE came out last year. Chad Walker’s SIGMATA: THIS SIGNAL KILLS FASCISTS, is five years old at this point. And even from the start D&D has often involved stories about stopping tyrants and liberating people from dictatorships. Scholars, too, have been discussing this topic for a while. Mary Flanagan, theorizing about games generally, contends in her book CRITICAL PLAY that “Games are particularly ripe for subversive practice”, while Jonaya Kemper argues in various spaces that roleplaying is a powerful tool for “emancipatory bleed”, for the strengthening of thoughts, emotions, and feelings about uplifting marginalized communities. Even games like AVATAR: LEGEND, which adapts a beloved children’s cartoon, goes into the topic: “The Brutality of War”, “Colonization in Progress”, and “Hope in Rebellion” are three of the five guiding themes if you choose to play a campaign in the “Roku Era” in the history of the Avatar world. So where does EAT THE REICH, Rowan Rook & Decard’s upcoming title about vampires on a mission to devour Adolf Hitler fit in? “This game is not, in and of itself, an act of resistance,” the text exhorts. “It is an act of creativity which reflects our frustration with the real world’s ongoing nazi problem.” The basic game uses premade characters and exactly one scenario: land in Paris (via “tactical drop coffins”), carve a bloody swathe through the Nazi-occupied city, find Hitler and drink all his blood. Unlike in ROSENSTRASSE, there’s little room to explore how fascism affects interpersonal relationships. Unlike in SIGMATA, there’s no playing out of how communities organise against oppression. Unlike in AVATAR: LEGENDS, there’s no personal growth beyond power advancement. The game’s main schtick is ultraviolence: “For some players, telling a story of fictional and over-the-top combat against some of history’s worst people feels fun and cathartic,” the game argues. You fight off waves of Nazis, and then, when you confront Hitler: “Kill Him. War’s Over. Go Home.”
Sharang Biswas (He/Him)
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Alt link: FIST: Ultra Edition is a tabletop roleplaying game about paranormal mercenaries doing the tough jobs no one else can. In the game, you belong to a legendary rogue mercenary unit called FIST. You are a soldier of fortune who doesn’t fit into modern society. You are a disposable gun for hire, caught up in the death and destruction of pointless proxy wars and oppressive establishments. You may also be someone who can turn into a ghost or control bees with your mind. The paranormal secrets of the Cold War are your bread and butter, and you fight for your life to make ends meet alongside others like you: stopping disastrous science experiments, infiltrating occult compounds, neutralizing eldritch horrors—all in a day's work for FIST. Players are typically outnumbered, easily killed, and disliked or hunted by most sources of authority. You don't have tons of money and gadgets backing you up, just your wits and a few tools. War is hell, and you're one of the little guys. FIST is inspired by Metal Gear Solid, The A-Team, and Doom Patrol. It's mechanically descended from John Harper's World of Dungeons, Ben Milton's Maze Rats, and Offworlders, by Chris P. Wolf and Olivia Gulin. |
This was a ttrpg highlighted at the 2023 Dragonmeet seminar and a 2023 the Award winner
FIST is the A-Team meets Hellboy. When I rolled up a couple of sample characters they were a Psychic Sniper and Skeleton Accountant, which I think really sets the tone. The rules are simple and then the rest of the book is the stuff you actually need to make a game happen. Loads of random tables, pages of useful advice, and all doused with flavour that swings from military grit to paranormal silliness. FIST feels like an entire world waiting to be discovered by both the players and the GM, exactly the sort of experience I love to bring to the table.
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Forgotten Ballad
Alt link: https://coolwayink.itch.io/forgottenballad Forgotten Ballad is a minimalist Adventure Game - TTRPG, if you prefer - heavily inspired by The Legend Of Zelda series and the OSR movement. This is an expanded version of the one-game pamphlet with optional rules, little more detail, and more content to build your games. Its simple system uses only d6 and is built around the character's items and inventory, encouraging creativity and exploration based on how the players describe their approach to problems. |
This year I'd like to recommend Forgotten Ballad (Forgotten Ballad by coolwayink (itch.io)). I just love games that have a musical theme, and this is perfectly executed. To top it off, the NES Zelda vibes and the mechanics are excellent.
"I'm Gabriel Kerr, I write and play games"
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Gnoll Citadel of Evil
Alt link: https://heimatderkatastrophe.bandcamp.com/album/hdk-05-the-citadel-of-evil After KOBOLD, another half-human dungeon-synther took its place in HDK catalog: here's the barbaric... GNOLL! Beware the powerful percussions, the blows of icy and sharp sounds, the brutal attack of analog synthesizers! This first release of GNOLL is the soundtrack of an epic descent into a dungeon populated by weird creatures and unfathomable threats. GNOLL is devoted to the visionary and bloodthirsty 70's heroic-fantasy literature, overflowing with baroque magic and arcane mystery, to Lin Carter, Karl E. Wagner and vintage Marvel comics based on characters by Robert E. Howard, as Conan and Kull. |
For a few years now, I’ve been a huge fan of Heimat Der Katastrophe, a “punx collective from Milan” that creates RPG modules and adventures in the format of retro cassette tapes with dungeon synth soundtracks. I probably became aware of their work through MORK BORG’s original Kickstarter back in 2019. They are brilliant. They were definitely one of the biggest inspirations for me personally (and The Dead Robotz) when we came up with the idea for DEATH ROBOT JUNGLE – a RPG setting in the format of a music LP vinyl. Well, this year, the circle seems to have completed itself: Gnoll, one of the creators at Heimat Der Katastrophe collective, released CITADEL OF EVIL, a music LP packaged with a 24-page dungeon module ready to be played. I love it, and I urge you to check it out. It feels extremely humbling that the idea of producing RPG material packed in music LPs is picking up.
Andre Novoa here. I’m the main person behind publisher Games Omnivorous.
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Grasping Nettles
Alt link: https://adamebellgames.bigcartel.com/ Grasping Nettles is a worldbuilding game for 1-6 players about a community and its story over the course of generations. You take turns dictating various things about a world of your creation. On your turn, you move one of three faction pieces around a central game board called the Wheel and perform the action you land on. Actions include defining factions, describing locations, discovering issues, creating characters, starting projects, catching glimpses of other communities, and framing scenes. Once all game pieces land on the Generation action space, you look at everything created so far and describe how it changes over time. You can then continue to play to explore the next generation's effect on the world. By the end of the game, you have a whole history of a community brimming with factions, characters both living and dead, and locations where everything has happened. Playing a generation in Grasping Nettles typically takes about 1-2 hours depending on your play style. You can string together multiple generations of play in one session, or even come back to your world for multi-session play. |
Grasping Nettles by Adam Bell was given to me at the Pittsburgh Zine Fair and remains an amazing testament of dense, lively worldbuilding that can drive a game forward, instead of the traditional "quests." Telling intergenerational stories rocks, and with a bunch of world seeds at the back, it's even easier - Viditya Voleti even has a dinosaur world guest written in there.
I'm Pearse Anderson, a tabletop roleplaying designer and freelance journalist. I've developed games like Recipe on Kmiydish Paper, Cosmic Latte, and Critters & Companions, and written about gaming for WIRED, Rolling Stone, Polygon, and more. You can follow me at @pearseanderson on all social media, but I'd especially recommend my TikTok.
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See Issue X
Alt link: https://potatocubed.itch.io/see-issue-x See Issue X is a tabletop roleplaying game where you will both tell the story of a superhero (or several) and also stand in the shoes of the writer as you struggle with their ever-more-unwieldy backstory. When the grey aliens threaten the Earth, that's one thing. When they kidnap Aunt Harriet's dog, that's... a little odd, but you can sell it. When they bring the hero back from the grave because of their shared love of board games, you know you're working with real comic book nonsense. See Issue X can be played as a solo journalling game or as part of a group where everyone has their own character. Even better: you can play solo, take your character to join a group for a team-up event, then go back to playing them solo -- or knock out a few solo adventures between regular group sessions as part of your own continuity! |
This year I've particularly enjoyed two deck crafting ttrpgs: Wreck this Deck by Becky Annison and See Issue X by Chris Longhurst. Both games have you modify an ordinary deck of playing cards, writing on or otherwise defacing them to leave you with a unique and personal artifact of play. What particularly grabbed me was how they can both turn solo journalling experiences into interactive ones, through the exchange of cards and characters with other (often remote) solo players of the game. Wildly cool stuff.
Nick Bate is an Australian game designer and cast member on the Black Armada Tales actual play podcast. He is the creator of Stealing the Throne, a game of epic giant mecha heists, and Chiron's Doom, about an ill-fated expedition to a mysterious monument. He is probably planning a heist right now.
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Wreck This Deck
Alt link: https://blackarmada.itch.io/wreck-this-deck Wreck This Deck is a dark urban fantasy game of solo journaling, demon summoning and deck crafting. Summon and bind demons into your Demon Deck, defacing the cards as you go. Demon summoning is dangerous and you're bound to get into some sticky situations as you play but it's nothing you can't handle - right? |
This was a ttrpg highlighted at the 2023 Dragonmeet seminar
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A Collection of Improving Exercises
Alt link: https://timhutchings.itch.io/a-series-of-improving-exercises From Goodreads: This book, copyrighted 1924, is part of a series of drawing manuals authored by Timothy Brian Hutchings. While a large number of this specific volume are known it is not known if the examples from the rest of the series are extant. It is possible that the other books in the series were never actually printed, or that the disposable nature of the books means that few survive. While this book does contain cursory instructions regarding perspective drawing it is meant to be an adjunct to another book which is presumed lost. Nonetheless, the exercises in the book may prove useful to budding artists of all skill levels. It is the opinion of this reviewer that any value in this book lies in the exercises. The conceit is that reader/artist is a romantic beachcomber and each exercise introduces a new item washed up by the sea. For example, Exercise 9 reads "A cluster of glass or cork fishing floats. Five minute time limit. The sun reflecting in the glass is blinding; the view through the glass, distorted." |
This was an The Awards winner
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Avatar Legends Starter Set
Alt link: The Avatar Legends RPG Starter Set brings you and your friends into the beloved setting of Avatar Legends! This boxed set includes everything you need to get started playing Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game, portraying your own characters on action-packed escapades through the Four Nations! Weave tales of self-discovery and action with your team of friends, and work with legendary heroes like Fire Lord Zuko to bring balance to the world! |
This was a 2023 Ennies Winner Best Family Game / Product
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Beam Saber
Alt link: Beam Saber is a Forged In The Dark game about the pilots of powerful machines in a war that dominates every facet of life. They are trying to do their part, then get out physically and mentally intact. The organizations that perpetuate The War throughout all of known space are too incomprehensibly huge to take down. There is no “winning” The War, there is only surviving it. Hopefully you can help others get out too. |
This was a 2023 the Award winner
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Alt link: Bibliocalypse is a rules-lite, no-prep, vocabulary-based OSR dungeon crawl with no designated Game Master. Instead players take turns to fill in the role of the Librarian - the game's main antagonist and rules arbiter - to generate levels and hazards which aim to stop the Linguists in their tracks. The game was designed for situations where you have nothing prepared, nobody wants to GM, but you still want to play something and have a good time. |
This was a 2023 the Award winner
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Alt link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/576526373/break-a-trpg-inspired-by-classic-videogames-and-anime BREAK!! is a tabletop roleplaying game of exploration and adventure. BREAK!!'s setting and aesthetics are inspired by classic anime and SNES era videogames, along with wistful fantasy novels and movies! BREAK!! is a 470 page, full-color book loaded with diagrams and infographics to make learning and playing the game as fast and fun as possible. |
This was an upcoming ttrpg highlighted at the 2023 Dragonmeet seminar
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Brindlewood Bay
Alt link: https://www.brindlewoodbay.com/brindlewood-bay.html Brindlewood Bay is a tabletop roleplaying game that combines Murder, She Wrote with H.P. Lovecraft. In it, you play a group of elderly women, members of the local Murder Mavens Mystery Book Club, who help the authorities solve murder cases in a picturesque New England Town. Over the course of their investigations, they become aware of a dark occult conspiracy that connects the cases, and will eventually have to face that conspiracy in order to save their community. The game is low-prep and easy to play no matter your experience with tabletop roleplaying games. |
This was a 2023 Ennies Winner Best Electronic Book
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CBR+PNK Augmented
Alt link: https://itch.io/b/1830/cbrpnk-augmented-digital-bundle In CBR+PNK (Cyber plus Punk) you play as a team of RUNNERS—mercs, criminals, activists living on the edge and running in the shadows of a gritty, ultraviolent world. In each game we play an entire new cast of characters making their LAST RUN. As a minimalist game, everything is presented as a series of eight-panel pamphlets: GM GUIDE Contains the core system rules and a comprehensive breakdown of all the steps needed to run CBR+PNK one-shots. RUNNER FILE The character playbook, also containing all the player-facing rules—character creation, stress, special actions, recovery, etc. |
This was a 2023 the Award winner
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Coyote and Crow
Alt link: https://coyoteandcrow.net/ Coyote & Crow is a tabletop roleplaying game set in an alternate future where colonization of the Americas never happened. In this world that is both familiar and entirely new, you'll take on the role of heroic characters adventuring in a changing landscape. Coyote & Crow is a bold look into a different future full of possibilities and fresh perspectives, created and developed by a diverse, Indigneous-led team. |
This was a 2023 CRIT Award winner (Best Multiplayer TTRPG of the year)
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Fabula Ultima TTJRPG
Alt link: FABULA ULTIMA is a Tabletop Roleplaying Game inspired by Japanese-style console RPGs, or JRPGs. In Fabula Ultima, you and your friends will tell epic stories of would-be heroes and fearsome villains, set in fantasy worlds brimming with magic, wondrous locations, and uniquely bizarre monsters! |
This was a 2023 Ennies Winner Best Game (Gold)
Fedora Noir
Alt link: In Fedora Noir, you create the story of a flawed private investigator in the style of a film noir. Players take on the roles of the Detective, their Partner, their Flame – and their Hat, the Detective’s sharp mind and inner voice. Together, players explore the Detective’s messy life against the backdrop of a difficult case. |
This was a 2023 the Award winner
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Alt link: https://www.wanderers-tome.com/flabbergasted Flabbergasted is a comedic tabletop roleplaying game set in the Roaring ‘20s! Join an up-and coming social club, and get up to mischief, mayhem and many marvellous misadventures, all before your afternoon tea! |
This was a 2023 the Award winner
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Girl By Moonlight
Alt link: https://evilhat.com/product/girl-by-moonlight/ Magical Girls grapple with destiny in this multi-genre tabletop RPG. Girl By Moonlight explores the heartbreak of denying who you really are, fighting for what you believe in, and the transcendent power of building relationships while embracing your true self. As a Magical Girl you will clutch your tragic struggles tight, seeking to score defiant triumphs against the darkness of an oppressive society. The game reinterprets the classic examples of the genre to create an allegory for self-discovery and queer identity. The text uses ‘magical girl’ as a shorthand, but your magical girls need not be girls, necessarily, but people whose identities put them at the margins. Designer Andrew Gillis takes the rules engine beneath highly-acclaimed Blades in the Dark and tunes it to create a unique play experience representing the breadth of the Magical Girl genre. |
This was an upcoming ttrpg highlighted at the 2023 Dragonmeet seminar
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Alt link: GODKILLER: First Blood Edition is a holypunk PbtA (Powered by the Apocalypse) game for one player, the Godkiller, and one Game Master, the god of gods. Together, the two of you will weave a mythic, violent, and transformative tale about the only mortal in existence with the power to slay a god, rising against the challenges of the divine. Which gods will you kill to shape the realm — and which gods will you spare? |
This was a 2023 CRIT Award winner (Best Indie TTRPG of 2023)
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going rogue 2e
Alt link: those who dream of a better world know one simple, terrible fact: not everyone who helps build it will be blessed with the opportunity to live in it. those who put their lives on the line to transmute dreams of rebellion into reality know the grim truth that to see this transformation occur, they may one day have to give their lives as catalyst. going rogue 2e is a GM-less tabletop roleplaying game for 2-5 players that tells the story of that sacrifice. |
This was a 2023 CRIT Award winner (Best GMless game of the year)
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Gubat Banwa
Alt link: https://makapatag.itch.io/gubat-banwa GUBAT BANWA is a Martial Arts Tactics and War Drama Tabletop RPG where you play as martial artists poised to change the world: Kadungganan: the cavalry, the wandering swordsmen, the tide turners, the knights-errant, the ones to call in darkest night in a world inspired and centering Southeast Asian folklore. Witness, grand warriors, honorable gallants that trudge and toil under kings and haloes. Witness, KADUNGGANAN, that refulgent name. That blasted name: WITNESS NOW. The end of days is upon us: and the new world MUST BE BORN. Bear your blades, incant your magicks. Cut open your tomorrow from the womb of violence. Inscribe your name upon the very akasha of this world. With an emphasis on martial arts as a background for war drama and violence, from a Philippine-centric view. Garudas fight against unglu. Martial artist warriors master the Principle of Cutting by meditating upon the teachings of the Violent Bodhisattva. Rituals and superstitions must be performed or else risk the wrath of the ancestors. Vast kingdoms arise with God-Kings at their helm, claiming to be Shiva-Buddha incarnate. You and your warband stand at the center of the mandala of this violence! |
This was a ttrpg highlighted at the 2023 Dragonmeet seminar
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i remember you.
Alt link: i remember you. is a conversation, or a confrontation, or a confluence of being between two individuals who know (or once knew) each other, facilitated through building a stack of rocks together. Your stack is your story, and your story is your relationship, and your relationship is made of the memories you've made together, the memories you have of each other. Each stone represents a memory, and whether or not your stack falls apart depends on what memories you hold dear enough to keep. But will you choose to keep the same ones? What happens if they must ask you to throw away a memory, even as you clutch it close to heart? What happens if your story falls apart? |
This was a 2023 the Award winner
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Alt link: You play a Kosmosaur in this game. You're a member of an elite force of dinosaur space rangers that defend the galaxy against all forms of threats, both internal and external. You fly in your spaceships, working as a team, acting as explorers, diplomats, defenders, and, if need be, soldiers against those that would destroy what was built by the many civilizations. |
This was a 2023 the Award winner
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Meanwhile, in the subway
Alt link: The subway runs below the city; no map binds it and what happens in its hallways is never completely coherent. Each station is unique and a source of unexpected adventures. Each passenger, when met, turns out to be someone amazing. Sometimes, people leave the subway, bringing the memories and dreams of their stories with them… |
This was a 2023 the Award winner
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Alt link: MIRU is a solo-first hexcrawling analog adventure game. Set in a solarpunk future, you play a character whose brother is killed by a robot. The next day, you pack your bag with a few supplies and foolishly head off into the uncharted wilderness to go kill the God responsible. |
This was a 2023 the Award winner
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Moonlight on Roseville Beach
Alt link: A Queer Game of Disco & Cosmic Horror that Tabletop Magazine Calls a "Must Play" Head west on Rose Island and you get to the pricey summertime communities like Saltwinne, Destiny Bay, or Dunewood. Head east and you’ll find exclusive resort towns like Pinewood Harbor, Charmington, and Sunken Oak. But those city kids and artists looking to get away for a long weekend, they’re heading right out to the middle of the island for that old gaycation getaway: Roseville Beach. You play the amateur sleuths protecting this 1979 queer beach town from cosmic horrors, vindictive necromancers, fantastical beasts, and conservative politicians. |
This was a 2023 Ennies Judges' Spotlight Winner and an The Awards winner
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Not A Demon
Alt link: Not a Demon is a game about perseverance and creativity, about seeing beyond appearances, and being true to who you are. You play as a shapeshifter guardian spirit manifested in the human world as a demon-like creature. Despite your honorable calling, the common folk see you as a monster, and they treat you as one. Your supernatural essence stops you from communicating directly to them. You are uncapable of mundane actions, such as talking or interacting with the material world. Whatever you do, it is both miraculous and terrifying for the people of these lands. Everything in this world will tell you to give up and return to the spirit realm, or become the demon they say you are. But you know your truth, and you are determined to be a guardian and a helper of these people, even if they never recognize you as such. |
This was a 2023 CRIT Award winner (Best Solo or Stand Alone TTRPG)
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One Breath Left
Alt link: https://stoutstoatpress.itch.io/one-breath-left Move with caution. Reclaim useful tools. Track your oxygen levels. Investigate rooms for clues. Reveal the ship’s schematics. Survive. You are an Explorer tasked with determining what happened aboard a now-abandoned spaceship. You’ll document what you find while trying to avoid a perilous end. |
This was a 2023 Ennies Judges' Spotlight Winner and an The Awards winner
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Alt link: Outliers is a single-player journaling game in which you play a research assistant trying to do their job in an absurd environment. Recruit participants, collect data, and perform miscellaneous tasks around the lab before the study runs out of funds. Keeping your job shouldn’t be hard when your participants are clones, time travelers, and cryptids . . . right? |
This was a 2023 the Award winner
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Root: Talon Hill Quickstart
Alt link: In this quickstart, political turmoil and a conflict of succession threatens the fate and stability of the clearing of Talon Hill (and possibly all of the Eyrie!). In the midst of the Woodland War, the clearing is locked into conflict as three contenders of the Kingfisher family fight for their claim to the ashwood throne of Talon Hill. As vagabonds, you must navigate these dangerous and complicated state of affairs. You choose whom you will serve, or assist, if anyone… and you may tip the balance of the war in this key location! Root: The Tabletop Roleplaying Game is based on the award-winning Root: A Game of Woodland Might & Right board game. In Root: The TTRPG, you play vagabonds, going on adventures and changing the Woodland with your actions. This booklet is a sampling of the core rules of Root: The TTRPG, created for Free RPG Day. It has all the necessary instructions for starting to play, as well as an entire prewritten clearing that will give you a strong situation for one or two sessions of play. |
This was a 2023 Ennies Winner Best Free Game / Product
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Saltfish & Almanacs
Alt link: Saltfish & Almanacs is a storytelling RPG about a merchant company embarking on their yearly journey through new and familiar places. You and your fellow merchants travel in different directions around the same route, experiencing life on the road and discovering the mark the others have made on their visit. As you buy and sell goods, you’ll craft your own story of discovery, love, passion, and what it means to be parted. How will your journey change you? |
This was a 2023 IGDN Groundbreaker winner (Best Rules) and an The Awards winner
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Slugblaster Kickflip over a Quantum Centipede
Alt link: In the small town of Hillview, teenage hoverboarders sneak into other dimensions to explore, film tricks, go viral, and get away from the problems at home. It’s dangerous. It’s stupid. It’s got parent groups in a panic. And it’s the coolest thing ever. This is Slugblaster. A table-top rpg about teenagehood, giant bugs, circuit-bent rayguns, and trying to be cool. |
This was a 2023 IGDN Groundbreaker winner (Game of the Year)
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The Between
Alt link: https://www.brindlewoodbay.com/the-between.html A Game of Victorian Darkness The Between is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of mysterious monster hunters in Victorian-era London. They are residents of a place called Hargrave House, and their job is to investigate and neutralize monstrous threats terrorizing the city—threats that Scotland Yard won’t or can’t handle themselves. As the story progresses, they become aware of the plans of a Moriarty-style criminal mastermind they will eventually have to face in order to save Queen and country. The Between is directly inspired by the gothic horror TV show Penny Dreadful, but also takes a lot of inspiration from British horror classics, graphic novels like From Hell and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and pulp-era stories. Mechanically, it’s Powered by the Apocalypse but also uses the mystery system from Brindlewood Bay. |
This was a ttrpg highlighted at the 2023 Dragonmeet seminar
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The Electrum Archive
Alt link: The Electrum Archive is a science-fantasy TTRPG zine series inspired by the worlds of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, Dark Sun and Ultraviolet Grasslands. It uses simple core rules inspired by other OSR games like Cairn, Mausritter and Whitehack to quickly get you started playing. The game is set on the world of Orn, a place long ago abandoned by an alien race now known as the Elders. The magical ink left behind in the shipwrecks of these ancient aliens is now used as currency and inhaled by warlocks as fuel for their spell casting. Adventurers called inkseekers venture out into the decaying world beyond the cities ruled over by scheming Merchant Houses to look for Elder artefacts and ink. |
This was a 2023 the Award winner
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The Electrum Archive - Issue 02
Alt link: Explore Orn, a world where adventurers delve into ancient alien shipwrecks in search of magical ink which is used as both currency and spellcasting fuel. |
This was an upcoming ttrpg highlighted at the 2023 Dragonmeet seminar
The Price of Coal
Alt link: https://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/The-Price-of-Coal.html The Price of Coal is a card-based prompt-driven storytelling game about coal miners and their loved ones in West Virginia, 1921. It’s about the struggles faced by those who stand up for their rights, and about communities that come together through hard times. It’s about a history that should not be forgotten. It’s about the fights we still face today. The game uses character and prompt cards to help you tell the story of a year leading up to a terrible battle. During this year, characters will face many trials together, both inside and outside the mines. The Price of Coal draws inspiration from a variety of storytelling games, like Red Carnations on a Black Grave, For the Queen, The Quiet Year, and Montsegur 1244. |
This was a ttrpg highlighted at the 2023 Dragonmeet seminar
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The Sticker Game
Alt link: The time has come for your unused stickers to tell a story… The Sticker Game is a single-player experience that’s part journaling and part audio drama. You've been chosen by the Agency for a very important research project. Participants will need to be bold, creative, and willing to make tough choices. Through the use of audio tracks and proprietary tech, your Guide will help you unlock the strange biochemical properties stickers contain to manipulate the electro-matter radon field between universes. Inspired by The Stanley Parable and Portal 2, The Sticker Game is an absurdist solo journaling game filled with puns and heart. While the game seeks to help players finally put a fun use to their sticker collection, the game also tackles concepts like loss, regret, and acceptance. |
This was a 2023 IGDN Groundbreaker winner (Most Innovative)
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The Wildsea
Alt link: https://felixisaacs.itch.io/thewildsea Your character is a wildsailor, part of a crew cutting their way across the island-studded wilderness of the treetop sea on a vessel of your very own. You’ll clash with survivor cultures and wild beasts, scavenge and salvage for wreckage and trade-goods, chase rumours, and uncover secrets. The focus of this game is on exploration, progress, and change - you’ll define the world of the Wildsea as you sail it. Adventures on the Wildsea start as hooks, elements of the setting or of a character’s history with the potential to blossom into an arc - a story for you and your crew to experience. While playing through an arc you roleplay scenes, montages, and journeys to make decisions, take actions, and resist your baser impulses. Completed arcs, and the triumphs and disasters within them, will allow you to develop your character as you play. Decisions are made through the conversation, a collaborative process that keeps all players at the table involved in the outcome of an event. The Wildsea's GM figure, the Firefly, is there to ask the right questions to keep the conversation flowing, as well as to bring the rules into play when necessary. |
This was a 2023 the Award winner
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This Machine Has Meat In It
Alt link: Two parts cosmic horror, one part black comedy, all wrapped up in a 19XXs style employee brochure. Join together with a team of other awakened employees, and plumb the depths of the nightmare prison that is your workplace, in search of the beating hellish heart of the beast that eats your time. Fight colleagues, bosses, and otherworldly horrors on your journey up the corporate ladder in search of much better work/life balance. Seek out clues, piece together secrets, and fight your way to, eventually, killing your job. |
This was a 2023 the Award winner
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Totally Normal Human Roommates
Alt link: Totally Normal Human Roommates is a light-hearted one-page RPG about being a monster —er, a Totally Normal person that is— and getting through the day. You'll have to deal with being mistaken for a trick-or-treater, keeping a friend from eating passersby or worst of all, a neighborhood potluck, all while denying rumors of your true nature. All you'll need to play is 3-6 players, a handful of dice, a place to write notes, and some silly voices. |
This was a 2023 CRIT Award winner (Best 1 Page TTRPG of the year)
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Trophy RPG
Alt link: A tabletop roleplaying game of dark forests, doomed treasure-hunters, and a world woven on a loom of rumor, history, and myth. |
This was a 2023 Ennies Winner Best Game (Silver)
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Village Witch
Alt link: Village Witch is a solo journaling game about a witch finding a home You’ve completed your training and are ready to become a village witch. You’ve been sent by the order to find a village to work in and have a year to find the place you want to make your life. |
This was a 2023 CRIT Award winner (Best Solo or Stand Alone TTRPG)
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Void 1680 AM
Alt link: https://bannerlessgames.itch.io/void-1680-am Night after night, you sit alone with your thoughts, your music, and a microphone. Whether you come to your radio show with somber attitude or joyful spirit, you use the music that moves you to etch something fleeting and beautiful into the big empty. There are other voices in the darkness. With a deck of cards, a six-sided die and a stack of music, you will build a playlist, invent and interact with Callers to your show, and evolve their stories over as many broadcasts as you like. No matter their motivations, they simply must be heard. In that way, you are very alike. VOID 1680 AM includes rules for single-session and ongoing play, instructions to have your show broadcast on the airwaves as an Affiliate, and even a way to add your voice to a library of Callers that other DJs can use in their own games. |
This was a 2023 Ennies Judges' Spotlight Winner
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Zephyr: An Anarchist Roleplaying Game Of Fleeting Identities
Alt link: Zephyr: An Anarchist Game of Fleeting Identities is a roleplaying game set in the wandering, sentient continent of Ophoi. This entity travels on a relentless march across an endless salt flat, its four lungs bursting with sentimental energy - the alien emotions of the Zephyr, which comes in Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. Like most substances, the emotions of the Zephyr coalesce into mountains made of rage, rivers of sorrow, fields grown out of the essence of guilt - everything that is, in its whole colorful gamut, including complex lifeforms. From these emotions and their fusion, the Windfolk are born. You are one of them, setting out from a far flung community in mountainous embrace, to travel this eerie continent in order to fulfill sacred obligations. These obligations are crafted by the players, becoming the main drivers for the narrative as well as the knots that tie your characters to the peoples they meet across the land. |
This was an upcoming ttrpg highlighted at the 2023 Dragonmeet seminar
Some bestselling TTRPGs released on DriveThru in 2023
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Alt link: From the mind behind the 2022's Silver Bestseller, "Campfire Story", hails a new chapter in solo tabletop gaming. Prepare to embark on an epic hard Sci-Fi journey, one that transcends the boundaries of known space and delves into the mystery of a long-lost civilization. A chilling odyssey teetering on the edge of the unknown, an exploration of the extraterrestrial, and a testament to the indomitable spirit of discovery... brace yourself for an experience that's out of this world. DYING SUN depicts a world of post-apocalyptic fantasy, devastated by the corrupting sorcery of the Arcane Wars. It was inspired by a classic campaign setting from the 90's, Sword & Sorcery novels and many comic-books from the 80's. You play as Warriors, Wanderers or Warlocks, trying to survive in the harsh wastelands or dabbling with the intrigue of the city-states. |
This ttrpg was added to DriveThruRPG in 2023 and achieved Mithral rating before end of the year
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Cities Without Number
Alt link: Cities Without Number is a cyberpunk role-playing game built for sandbox adventures in a dystopia of polished chrome and bitter misery. It's both a full-fledged Sine Nomine toolkit for building a cyberpunk world of your own and an Old School Renaissance-inspired game system for playing out the reckless adventures of the desperate men and women who live in it. Whether polished metal or flesh and blood, your operators will risk their lives and more to seize those precious things a merciless world would keep from them. |
This ttrpg was added to DriveThruRPG in 2023 and achieved Platinum rating before end of the year
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Black Star
Alt link: Darkness has fallen over the galaxy. The once-noble Galactic Imperium now serves only the Grand Imperator and his inner circle. But the galaxy is vast. While the core worlds may be caught in the Imperium’s grip, many more exist beyond the galactic core, in the barely charted expanse of space known as the black star sector. A haven for criminals and unsavory characters of every stripe, the black star sector is also where the resistance against the Imperium is strongest. If there is any hope of overthrowing the Imperium, the galaxy will need heroes, and those heroes will come from under a Black Star. Black Star is a rules light sci-fi roleplaying game you can carry around in your pocket. Using the latest version of the Furious Games Engine first used in Magnum Fury and refined in Six-Gun Fury, Black Star is designed for fast play and high-flying action, perfect for classic space opera and heroic science fantasy. |
This ttrpg was added to DriveThruRPG in 2023 and achieved Platinum rating before end of the year
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Sword Weirdos
Alt link: Sword Weirdos is the fantasy sequel to the surprisingly popular Space Weirdos. "When will you write a fantasy version?" people asked. So I did. Sword Weirdos is a skirmish wargame that allows you to build stats for just about any fantasy or historical model in your collection. Your model's class and weapons determine its special abilities. With 26 classes and 54 weapons and other pieces of equipment to choose from the possiblities are...a lot. I'm not that great with math. |
This ttrpg was added to DriveThruRPG in 2023 and achieved Platinum rating before end of the year
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Dragonbane Core Set
Alt link: Dragonbane is a classic fantasy tabletop roleplaying game full of magic, mystery, and adventure. It is designed from the ground up to facilitate fast and furious play, with very little prep time and adventures that are a breeze to run. Dragonbane is a game with room for laughs at the table, while still offering brutal challenges for the adventurers. |
This ttrpg was added to DriveThruRPG in 2023 and achieved Platinum rating before end of the year
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Public Access
Alt link: A roleplaying game of analog horror, based on the Brindlewood Bay mystery system! Public Access is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of people in 2004—the Deep Lake Latchkeys—who find themselves investigating strange mysteries in and around the town of Deep Lake, New Mexico. In the ‘80s and early ‘90s, Deep Lake was the home of a notorious public access television station called TV Odyssey, the history and fate of which—the station literally disappeared—is the source of much speculation in certain corners of the internet. As the Latchkeys conduct their investigations in Deep Lake, they will become increasingly aware of the central role TV Odyssey plays in everything that’s going on, and will have to face whatever terrible truth lies at the heart of the infamous station... |
This ttrpg was added to DriveThruRPG in 2023 and achieved Platinum rating before end of the year
Selected Themes in Indie TTRPGs from 2023
Pearse Anderson - TTRPG journalismUnfortunately, my eyes are always on gaming journalism, and TTRPG coverage isn't doing good. Lin Codega's removal from io9/Gizmodo marks the last of mainstream publications reliably covering TTRPGs, and after their fantastic journalism especially about D&D Beyond, crypto, and AI art, the industry will be under less scrutiny and celebrations. Dicebreaker, another reliable source of info, might be sold. How can small designers get their name out of their bubbles during an era of such collapse?
I'm Pearse Anderson, a tabletop roleplaying designer and freelance journalist. I've developed games like Recipe on Kmiydish Paper, Cosmic Latte, and Critters & Companions, and written about gaming for WIRED, Rolling Stone, Polygon, and more. You can follow me at @pearseanderson on all social media, but I'd especially recommend my TikTok.
Aaron Voight - TTRPG journalism
Anyone paying attention to games journalism over the last five years could tell you the earth is salted. But it’s been especially hard to see two mainstream outlets for TTRPG news suffer from corporate greed here at the end of 2023.
First is the layoff of Lin Codega from Gizmodo, part of a 23-person restructuring that also shuttered the iconic feminist site Jezebel. Codega had received an Ennie Award only a few months prior for their work covering the fiasco Wizards of the Coast invited upon itself when it tried to revise its Dungeons and Dragons “Open Gaming License” in an attempt to squeeze competitors out of the economy. My favorite of their recurring features was “The Gaming Shelf,” which regularly highlighted indie RPGs. It is so rare to see someone with relatively mainstream media access discuss what’s happening on itchio, and to lose this chance to get more eyes on small projects is an absolute travesty. Codega themself puts it best: "I deserved better than this and G/O Media will be poorer for letting me go."
The second, which is at this time a travesty-in-progress, is the auctioning of ReedPop’s “Gamer Network” portfolio of websites, which includes Dicebreaker. This news arrived the morning I sat down to write about media consolidation, the week of Dicebreaker’s second Tabletop Awards. Few other sites command the audience and prestige of Dicebreaker, whose journalists regularly feature games by indie creators who otherwise are forced to market their games through increasingly-fractured social media sites. I truly hope the “Gamer Network” portfolio is purchased, and all staff affected keep their jobs, but I’m not optimistic.
My mom was a journalist. She retired over a decade ago, when GateHouse Media swallowed a dozen local newspapers right before filing for bankruptcy. I’m genuinely sorry to see that ten years on, media companies are callous as ever, happy to ruin the lives of hundreds of brilliant people for the sake of a few points on a spreadsheet.
Indie games deserve mainstream coverage. And the people who cover them deserve so much better than what they’re getting.
Aaron Voigt is a writer and video essayist. You can find his work at youtube.com/@aavoigt.
Chris McDowall - System neutral "mood books"
I've noticed a few books that are more than just “a system neutral sourcebook”. Vermis got me more excited about running a game than many actual RPG settings. It reads like a combination of setting book, graphic novel, video game guide, describing a Dark Souls-like world in a completely different way to a typical RPG. We have so many systems, sometimes it’s nice to just wallow in mood and cool ideas. Previously we had Herbalist’s Primer, next year we get Gackling Moon, so here's hoping we keep getting these "mood books".
Diogo Nogueira - Interaction between the events in the game, and the events outside the game
Something I am very excited to see being explored more and more in RPGs is the interaction between the events in the game, and the events outside the game. A lot of games are not turning their eyes on the media of RPGs itself, the way it is played, and how we, as designers, can play with that particular component of the game experience. I am seeing more and more games experimenting with the way people are set at the table, the roles the participants have on playing the game themselves and how that affects the fictional world and vice-versa. A lot of older art mediums have taken the same path, and seeing tabletop role-playing games following the same path shows how we are maturing as an art form as well. ARC - Tabletop Doom RPG is a game that does exactly this, as it ties its magic system to actual rituals players have to perform themselves, blurring the veil that separates the fictional world from the world where we are playing the game. How immersive is that? A recent adventure I wrote made something similar, as it ends with the players creating an in-game artifact outside the game, collaboratively, and when the adventure ends, the players are left with a physical artifact, a memory from their time in a fictional world. What a gift! I am excited to see how far can we explore our medium, and I bet in the next games we will see this trend finding an even more solid footing!
Diogo Nogueira is an award-winning game designer and artist from Brazil. His works include Halls of the Blood King, Kosmosaurs, Primal Quest, Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells, and many more.
Rob Carnel - Writing your own rules
Lloyd mentioned at the seminar that the result of the OGL debacle is a timely reminder that big companies with a vested interest in the commercial exploitation of their property aren't always the gamer's friend. We are not quite back to the TSR world of insisting that the game is only played according to the official rules but with things like D&D Beyond there are actually more powerful tools for declaring what is "correct" and what isn't.
It was great therefore to see people writing their own mini-rules and notes on their games and how they like to run them. Places like Itch make it easy to share whether you are charging for the material or not although, as we've discussed in previous years discovery remains a problem if you're not in someone's circle. I've also seen people sharing their mechanics in blog posts and zines.
This harks back to the earliest days of roleplaying, Blackmoor was originally not much more than a sheaf of typed notes on Arneson's campaign. It also links to the Forge era of game design as what people include mechanics for in their notes is a version of purposeful designs. If you find fighting tedious then make combat a simple test. Love crafting, add rules for herb gathering and potion making. Abstract gear down to slots that can contain just what a character needs at a moment or use a physical drawing of a backpack and items to create a Tetris like inventory puzzle.
People are much more ready to borrow mechanisms across game systems without designing from scratch or being beholden to the retroclones manifesto. I hope what we're seeing is a grass routes interaction with game design that is driven by principles such as Maximum Game Fun that focuses on having memorable experiences with friends at the table or on the video call.
Nick Bate - How to teach players (rather than GMs)
I've noticed more and more people talking and thinking about how to teach players (as opposed to GMs) how to play specific ttrpgs. Rulebooks are typically targeted at teaching GMs how to play a particular game, but how can we help the players learn to play that same game and -- ultimately, ideally -- become better at it? I've seen this challenge approached from multiple angles, drawing in GM table experience, actual plays and podcasts, and (perhaps most interestingly to me) as a game design challenge. Some specific examples: A fabulous twitter thread from Sidney Icarus on how to teach Blades in the Dark to new players (https://x.com/SidneyIcarus/status/1684708887264649218?s=20); The Teaching Games series in Thomas Manuel's Indie TTRPG Newsletter (https://ttrpg.substack.com/) and on the Yes Indie'd Podcast (https://www.patreon.com/indierpg); The tutorial-like character creation process in Voidheart Symphony by Minerva McJanda (https://ufopress.co.uk/voidheart-symphony/); Teaching guides in several Black Armada Games ttrpgs, including Flotsam and Lovecrafteseque (https://blackarmada.com/)
Nick Bate is an Australian game designer and cast member on the Black Armada Tales actual play podcast. He is the creator of Stealing the Throne, a game of epic giant mecha heists, and Chiron's Doom, about an ill-fated expedition to a mysterious monument. He is probably planning a heist right now.
Selected TTRPG Crowdfunding from 2023

Dolmenwood Tabletop RPG
A lavishly detailed fantasy world inspired by the fairy tales and eerie folklore of the British Isles.

Shadowdark RPG: Old-School Gaming, Modernized
Classic adventure gaming for 5E and old-school players alike! One book, all you need to play.

Knave RPG: Second Edition
A GM-friendly toolkit for creating and running sandbox campaigns packed into a lean, beautiful hardback.

BREAK!! - A TRPG inspired by fantasy videogames and anime
An easy-to-play game of exploration & teamwork set in the wonderfully dangerous Outer World.

The Walking Dead Universe Roleplaying Game
Tell your own story in The Walking Dead Universe in the official roleplaying game from AMC Networks and Free League Publishing.

Triangle Agency, Paranormal Investigation TTRPG
Clock in to work and protect the world in this game of paranormal abilities, corporate horror, and dangerous Anomalies.

Cities Without Number
A cyberpunk tabletop RPG from the creator of Stars Without Number

Adventurer Conqueror King System Imperial Imprint (ACKS II)
Welcome to the new edition of the bestselling fantasy role-playing game. Adventure, conquer, and reign.

The Hidden Isle
Embark on a Tarot adventure! Wield magic and fight tyranny across the Renaissance world in this TTRPG powered by card divination.

Outgunned - Cinematic Action RPG
An action-packed cinematic Roleplaying game by the ENNIE award winning authors of Household and Broken Compass.

2024 Quest Calendar - An Adventure-a-Day RPG
A desktop tear-away calendar with a year full of adventure in 2024

Mythic Bastionland RPG - Before Into the Odd
Rules light roleplaying in a dreamlike world of knights and myths. Crawl hexes, rule a domain, and remember your oath.

Cohors Cthulhu Tabletop Roleplaying Game
A 2d20 RPG adventure of mighty Roman warriors and their barbarian rivals fighting the forces of the Mythos

Xcrawl Classics TTRPG Core Rulebook
The big crawl streams live tonight! Commercial breaks, corporate sponsorships and fabulous prizes! Tune in to run your favorite team!

A tabletop RPG about monster hunting and campfire cuisine. There is only One Law in the One Land: YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT.