What was the RPG Pipeline

The RPG Pipeline was a posting board to keep track of upcoming tabletop rpgs from 2015 to 2021 (this Blogger version began in 2019). It covered new English language ttrpgs and ttrpgs going into crowdfunding.

Monday 23 December 2019

Sworn Protectors [Free]

Sworn Protectors [Free]:

Sworn Protectors is a tabletop roleplaying game about superheroes.

There are other dimensions than our own, universes every bit as real as ours but which are built on different rules. In one such dimension ethics and morality are as fundamental as gravity or electromagnetism are to ours. There, an unfulfilled promise has potential energy behind it, like a reservoir behind a dam in our world. And if you happen to be a nexus between our dimension and that one you might be able to use the power of symbols to channel some of that energy through your body to accomplish feats that defy earthly explanation. In the past such people might have been called witches, or saints, or demigods. Now we have a different word for them: superheroes.

In this game you'll play a superhero, someone who is a nexus to the other dimension and uses amazing powers based on the strength of your oath and commitment to virtue. But wielding power from a dimension where morality works with scientific precision may not be easy in our gray and muddy world.

Sworn Protectors was originally designed as part of the Threeforged 2019 game jam, a three-stage anonymous collaboration. Matt Lieutier (Megadraco) started the game, it was handed off to Luke Miller (mootootwo) who modified and developed it, and that was handed off to Dan Maruschak (GameMaru) who modified and developed it to the final stage that's presented here.

This is a game jam prototype with minimal graphic design. It may be developed further in the future.

Any proceeds from the game will be distributed equally among the designers who want a share.

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