What was the RPG Pipeline

The RPG Pipeline was a posting board to keep track of upcoming tabletop rpgs from 2015 to 2021 (this Blogger version began in 2019). It covered new English language ttrpgs and ttrpgs going into crowdfunding.

Saturday 6 June 2020

OUB Core Playtest [Free]

OUB Core Playtest [Free]:


OUB Core is a toolkit and tribute to the many great classic dungeon fantasy games of the past. It is what I thought a role-playing game was from reading monster manuals and watching Saturday morning cartoons, mixed with what I liked best about them after playing them a bit too much. In contrast to other great games out there, it offers versatile kit of building blocks rather than a themed playset.

As a toolkit for creating your own classic fantasy game settings, OUB Core is not tethered to a specific fictional world. Your group may use it for one of their favorites or work together to create one for the adventures they want to play. The best thing is that you can jump right in without doing any of that. You can let your mysterious shared world bloom through play and see what unfolds.

This book includes the basics rules on how to play (p.7), create characters (p.11), run scenes (p.25), handle items and other resources (p.41) work magic (p.46) and design your own adventure setting (p.57). Optional supplements with ready-made game worlds and adventure modules are forthcoming.

Key Features

OUB is adapted from classic fantasy RPG rules that are easy to pick up for new gamers and familiar to experienced ones. As such, most things in-game will boil down to the tried-and-true method of rolling as high as you can on the dice. The more distinct features of OUB Core afford players as much freedom as possible while keeping the perilous atmosphere of old-school fantasy gaming:

Creative Characters: you decide the character’s motive, where their talents lie, and what abilities they have that make them outstanding (p.11).

Devil’s Bargains: gamble with the drama of adding good or bad twists to your Checks with Gambits (p.8). You choose when to place yourself at the mercy of your dice.

Drama support: enjoy scenes that are not all about fighting with a focus on social actions, chases, stealth, non-combat magic, and even the benefits of fellowship with your allies.

Elective Initiative: combatants pass their next turns to each other or their target, so your chance to act can come at any time (p.28).

Engaging Combat: Move? Attack? Counter? Cast a spell? Go on the defense? Rally back into action? Grapple? Guard an ally? Your call!

Flexible Magic: any character can make use of magic (p.46). You can easily change how it works and what it makes possible to fit a variety of different settings.

Freeform Experience: decide for yourself what your own character did that earned them their rewards to advance in power!

This version is a Playtest, so those who send in helpful and constructive feedback to the links provided earlier may be credited in the final version. Inside these pages rests an awful lot of public domain art and rules that have survived only some playtesting. Later versions will have far more content, examples of play, original art, and fancier layout and editing.

With your help, it could be amazing!

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