What was the RPG Pipeline

The RPG Pipeline was a posting board to keep track of upcoming tabletop rpgs from 2015 to 2021 (this Blogger version began in 2019). It covered new English language ttrpgs and ttrpgs going into crowdfunding.

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Shortlived Shenanigans $10.00

Shortlived Shenanigans: $10.00

Publisher: MVPS

The world of Shortlived Shenanigans is much the same as any fantasy realm: filled with adventurers and quests, ancient magics and dangerous monsters, wise kings and buried treasure. Only this time, you play the monsters. And not the boss monsters of the world, but the minions.

Player characters are Kobolds, tiny dragon people known for their diminutive size, greed and the ease with which they die. However, they make up for these traits with cunning, numbers and a reckless courage that knows no limits. Death surrounds and fills kobold life, and this familiarity combined with fanatical zeal means that the average kobold has nothing to fear from a world that shows them No Mercy.

Players all come from the same village, and the game takes place in the nearby area. A kobold’s whole world fits in a few day’s walk, making their day to day problems seem insignificant. But from three feet off the ground, everything feels much larger.

A dangerous quest might be harvesting mushrooms that are guarded by the wicked witch that tends them. Or players might be sent to steal shiny things from the human village to the east. Maybe they are tasked with finding a worthy sacrifice for their god in time to stop an impending flood.

Crowd funded as a part of Kickstarter's 2020 ZineQuest.

Shortlived Shenanigans

Price: $10.00

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