It's finally happening! The moment you've been waiting for. First Contact of the Third Kind. The Aliens; they are here! In just three days they will land in in a middle-of-nowhere town in Nevada, and you are going to be there; for better or for worse.'We Come In-' is a two-page tabletop roleplaying game for 3-5 players. You will be divided into 2-4 Human Players and the Alien. The core of the game are the three days that the humans have time to make preparations for the upcoming alien arrival. Will you try to band the town together to defend your planet from these Space Invaders or roll out the red carpet for E.T?
This leaves you with just one question. What do they actually want?
The Alien Player? Well, that is the mystery now isn't it?
The game is playable once with a single group and takes between 3-5 hours.

Here demonstrated. Four Humans and an Alien.
This game was created originally as part of the One-Page RPG Jam 2020.
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