What was the RPG Pipeline

The RPG Pipeline was a posting board to keep track of upcoming tabletop rpgs from 2015 to 2021 (this Blogger version began in 2019). It covered new English language ttrpgs and ttrpgs going into crowdfunding.

Monday, 30 November 2020

The Movement [Free]

The Movement [Free]: by @RobertCarnel


The game is described here and a text version is attached.

Take a map, chart or plan from another game.

Choose a starting point on the map. A movement has started here and wishes to spread it's reach over the rest of the territory.

Take time together to determine the nature of this movement and allow yourself to be influenced by the cues in the map.

Now each player takes a turn to describe the current state of the movement and either describe how a plan is happening to expand the movement to other parts of the map or consolidate it's hold over the area already under its sway. 

Create people, methods and ideas of the movement. Describe how they create plans for the progress of the movement and how they feel about what is happening currently.

Other players should ask questions and offer suggestions about what or who is holding back the movement and other problems that might be occurring.

After each round players vote on whether the movement should continue to expand. If the vote is unanimous in favour then another round is played. If unanimous against the movement has reached it's natural limit, narrate the final state of the movement and what makes it stable in its new form.

If the vote is split in favour of expansion collectively describe an effort to expand the movement and how it goes wrong. Those voting for expansion describe what the movement has achieved. Those voting against describe the problems that the movement has left unresolved and why that risks undermining it.

If the vote is tied a vicious civil war erupts dividing the movement. Narrate each faction in the conflict and what harm they cause the movement. Finally divide the territory between the factions. You may choose to end the game or continue the game from the perspective of just one of the factions.

If the vote is a majority against expansion, players in the majority narrate the period of peace and harmony that results from the movement. Those voting against describe the radicals within the movement who feel betrayed and decide what desperate actions they are prepared to take to upset the status quo.

After split votes, vote again.

Inspired by Stage 1 seed game Circles of Power by Becky Annison

Cover image

Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

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