What was the RPG Pipeline

The RPG Pipeline was a posting board to keep track of upcoming tabletop rpgs from 2015 to 2021 (this Blogger version began in 2019). It covered new English language ttrpgs and ttrpgs going into crowdfunding.

Tuesday 29 December 2020

Kill Sector Total Bundle 2021 - Rules-Lite Sci-fi Gladiatorial Action TTRPG $12.00

Kill Sector Total Bundle 2021 - Rules-Lite Sci-fi Gladiatorial Action TTRPG: $12.00
Publisher: Bahunga Worldwide

Standing proud upon still-twitching heaps of the dead, Krogilak the Deathserker loads the last clip into his Sin Blaster as he spits out yet another mouthful of blood. The metallic taste of red rolls between his teeth. The buzz of adrenaline rattles his skull. The cacaphonous jeering from incalculable billions roars out from the bleachers like a god-slaying tsunami. Krogilak sees his shining opportunity - he cracks his trademark smile, half his fangs broken or missing - and he wins the collective charm of one thousand commune-worlds.

Krogilak turns his smile to his brothers-in-arms - Screamhart the hammer-wielding cyborg mutant, Bitterwind the spell-slinging serpentine demon, Deathules the armadillo warrior-poet that is sometimes a car. Together, they fight to reclaim their home planet from the wretched clutches of the Painborg Empire. Victory is nearly at hand, thanks in equal part to the cunning, courage, and camaraderie of his cohorts.

The holler of the masses is momentarily tamed by the trumpeting klaxon of the arena, announcing the final wave of foes. Krogilak barely has time to catch his breath and count his ammo before spotlights pierce the black sky, revealing a transport ship the profile of which he recognizes all too well. As the ship hovers over the arena, dozens of fiendish shapes pour soundlessly from its hull. The serrated silhouettes, the crackling ferrous flesh, the crimson eyes carved into countless angles of hate - these are the creatures that decades ago razed the cities and burned the fields through which Krogilak and his kin once frolicked. Finally, the dropship itself lands, unfolding itself into a metallic insect form in the process, looming over the hordes of war it just unleashed as its necroluminescent antiphoton cannons charge.

Krogilak steels himself, calls down to his brethren to take cover and brace themselves - for all that stands between them and liberation are forty Painborgs and an Omega Wrathdrone. They've fought something like this before, but it took ten times the firepower, not to mention months of planning. But that's besides the point - all that matters now is making do with what they got, and giving a damn good show for the folks at home.

Krogilak cracks his Sin Blaster into action, crafts the outline of a battle plan, and permits himself one final sane thought before falling once more into the battle-trance of the deathserker:

Mamma, this is for you. I'm comin' home.





Kill Sector - a deadly sci-fi gladiatorial tabletop roleplay experience. It’s designed to fit around your schedule, not the other way around. Build truly unique characters in your own vision with our chunky, intuitive point-buy system, then use our bare-knuckle, breakneck combat system to take down hordes of enemies in brutal gauntlets.

  • Over a thousand interchangeable character options to suit any playstyle and aesthetic - if you can think it, you can be it

  • Flexible and simple combat system - rules never get in the way of narrative

  • Play the game with minimal resources - gather dice, paper, pencils, and you're ready to go

  • Challenge your friends as the Gauntlet Master - test their mettle with handcrafted enemies and hazards

  • New to the hobby? We include all the guidance you need to get from purchasing the book to playing your first session, including example characters and pre-made adventures

  • Make whatever your heart desires in a limitless universe of endless possibilities

This bundle includes every document we've released thus far, at a discounted price:
  • Crash Course briefly outlines what we do and how we do it
  • Quickstart provides streamlined rules, six pre-made characters, and a ready-to-play gauntlet perfect for first-timers
  • Core Rulebook features the full rules, complete instructions for character creation, over a thousand functions and weaknesses, tips for beginning gauntlet masters, eleven example characters, a ready-to-play gauntlet, and much more
  • Monster 31 showcases thirty-one monsters which can be used as enemies or playable characters, as well as another sixty-one functions to flesh out characters with monstrous tendencies
  • Ultra Forge has over one hundred and fifty new weapons, weapon modifiers, and magic equipment pieces to further expand your arsenal
  • Chemicals, Candles, and Catapults is a playtest document featuring experimental gameplay options

Although we sell these products at a higher price, we are offering the world of Kill Sector to you at a discount. For only $12USD, you can explore countless worlds, be anything, fight anyone, and do it all simply and easily. What will you be? What will you explore? What will you fight? How will you survive in the endless fightscape of Kill Sector?

Kill Sector Total Bundle 2021 - Rules-Lite Sci-fi Gladiatorial Action TTRPG

Price: $12.00

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