The City of Resin, transported by magic to a strange new world, has grown dormant from lack of food. Roamers, champions of the living city, ride out into these uncharted lands, confronting pastoral clans with herds of armored beasts and empires ruled by necromantic nobility. Faced with the withering death of their home, will the Roamers bring salvation to Resin with trade and accord, nourish with the old ways of conquest and sword, or pursue their own dreams outside their living city's will?____________________________________________________________
Seekers Of Resin is a 6-page tabletop RPG inspired by classic sword-and-sorcery tales, the history of Silk Road civilizations, New Weird fiction, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, and a bunch of other stuff the creator thought was cool. Download this "pocket RPG" if you like:
–"Powered By The Apocalypse" style playbooks with heroic fantasy narratives built into their rules.
–Narrative rules easily learned on short notice.
–Fantasy worlds with unconventional ecologies and civilizations with alien values.
–Casting magical spells fueled by Elemental Silks
–Riding giant moths and enormous anteaters into battle.
Seekers Of Resin is still currently being play-tested and revised, so keep an eye out for updates and new editions in the future!
In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5 USD. You will get access to the following files:
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