What was the RPG Pipeline

The RPG Pipeline was a posting board to keep track of upcoming tabletop rpgs from 2015 to 2021 (this Blogger version began in 2019). It covered new English language ttrpgs and ttrpgs going into crowdfunding.

Monday, 27 September 2021

Skyworthy - Solo Journaling Game / $5.00

Skyworthy - Solo Journaling Game / : Publisher: A Couple of Drakes

Skyworthy is a Solo Journaling Game of an Iconic Skyship, the Captains who flew it, and their adventures and struggles in a world that is changing. You play from the point of view of the Skyship, commissioned and constructed in a gilded age of exploration and discovery.  Under the command of your Captain, you'll fly into the unknown as all around you the world changes. 

Skyships are built to last. Captains will come and go as they age, sicken, retire, tearfully sell you, or die by the hands of their enemies. Still you will sail on.

The name on my stern and the marks on my mast, 
I carry the names of friends so long passed.
 My heart longs to join them, to fly ever free. 
I remember my Captains, do they think of me?

Through natural disasters, the rising tides, and the coming of the Coalition, desperate to rule what remains of the world, you will change hands and become a fulcrum with which your Captains fight to change the world, or rule it, or just find a way to make it through. Still you will sail on.

But you will not go unchanged. Every Captain and crew will leave their mark on you, even as the years seek to leave their own. You will be a monument to their lives, their adventures. And when the final Captain steps off of your deck to take their leave forever, you'll be left with the story of a cool airship ready to port into your other tabletop roleplaying game, or story, or art of choice.

A hand on my wheel comes as light as a ghost. 
A memory of the one who loved me the most. 
I carry it with me as onward I roam. 
I'm only a hull, but once I was a home.


Skyworthy is 36 pages long, and is played with a standard deck of 52 playing cards.

Content Warning: This game has the potential to explore themes of abandonment, loss,  neglect, violence, and human mortality. Please play safely, and understand that this game tends to be bittersweet at the best of times.

Skyworthy - Solo Journaling GamePrice: $5.00

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