So, ye think you'll last more 'an five minutes out on the open sea? Not much choice I suppose, what with the Empire hounding yer every move. I'll take ye now, and they can hang me later. Welcome aboard the Resplendent Dawn, ye saltwater dog.
Saltwater Dogs is a tabletop roleplaying game built on Titanomachy's Caltrop Core dice system in a one-week game jam. Inspired by Pirates of the Caribbean, Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, OSR gaming and The Wildsea RPG, it aims to create swashbuckling tales wrapped up in just the right amount of magic.
An Expansionist Evil - The Empire of Galena won't stop until every one of the Mourning Isles is in its leaden grasp.
Deep Character Customization - With several backstory and ship options to choose from, there are hundreds of possible characters to create to begin one's adventure.
Strange Forces - Players have a number of supernatural abilities at their disposal, but are they enough to handle what lurks in misty jungles and below the tides?
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