What was the RPG Pipeline

The RPG Pipeline was a posting board to keep track of upcoming tabletop rpgs from 2015 to 2021 (this Blogger version began in 2019). It covered new English language ttrpgs and ttrpgs going into crowdfunding.

Saturday, 15 January 2022

World Fighter Champion / $1.00

World Fighter Champion
Publisher: Orpheus Press

There are tens of thousands of fighting game players. There are many journaling solo RPG players. Are you the person who's both? Oh, well, do you know them? Here, actually, just download this and if you see them you can give it to them. Thanks, buddy.

World Fighter Champion is a solo journaling rpg about fighting games and whether you can become the greatest fighter in the world. It might be slightly tongue-in-cheek, but it is full of a love of fighting games and journaling games rolled into one. Embody the greatest champion ever to exist and don't blame us if it leads you to get songs about tigers stuck in your head.

Doesn't include: The ability to play fighting games (don't worry, I'm not great either)

Content warning: This game contains fighting, fighting games, profanity, and bad attempts at humor.




Follow us on Twitter for more sillyness and adventures!

World Fighter ChampionPrice: $1.00

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