What was the RPG Pipeline

The RPG Pipeline was a posting board to keep track of upcoming tabletop rpgs from 2015 to 2021 (this Blogger version began in 2019). It covered new English language ttrpgs and ttrpgs going into crowdfunding.

Friday 20 December 2019

thru the haze [Free]

thru the haze [Free]:

a  cyberpunk epistolary game about the isolation and lack of control of a deeply inhumane system, and hanging on to one human connection amidst it all.


If there's anything you know, it's that you're not special. The titanic megacorporations that keep society under their thumbs have made sure of that; you are interchangeable, either with another of millions or, even better, with an AI. And ever since the Haze was implemented, it's only gotten easier to exploit the faceless masses you are one of.The Haze is an implanted network that connects everyone in society. Through the Haze, information can be sent from mind to mind, reality can be altered in the eyes of the beholder or escaped altogether, or new modes of consumption can be

conveniently advertised.

You and another person will take the roles of two people in this world recently separated; one of you will play the Relocated, and the other the Stable. Whatever your relationship was - romantic, platonic, familial - it was close, and this separation is difficult. The two of you will take turns exchanging letters sent through the Haze, drawing cards as prompts, until life catches up.


you will need two players and a deck of cards


written for the correspondence jam


if you like this game, consider giving it a RT!

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