What was the RPG Pipeline

The RPG Pipeline was a posting board to keep track of upcoming tabletop rpgs from 2015 to 2021 (this Blogger version began in 2019). It covered new English language ttrpgs and ttrpgs going into crowdfunding.

Tuesday 7 January 2020

Hit the Streets: Defend the Block $12.00

Hit the Streets: Defend the Block:  $12.00

Publisher: Orklord Games

New introductory price for a new game release! For the first week of 2020, this game PDF will be sold at a reduced price until January 10, 2020.

The vacant streets below your apartment echo back a hard truth...your neighborhood, it isn't safe anymore, is it? How did this happen so quickly? The city is going down. You see it. Everyone does. Crime is everywhere, corruption around every corner, and people are stuck.

Your super-powered abilities mean you have a responsibility to do something about it, but you can't fight back alone. This neighborhood needs more than one person to take up the struggle. With powers big and small, your team may be the last hope this neighborhood has. If you can't save it, no one will.

In Hit the Streets: Defend the Block, you and your friends will create the neighborhood where your Super-Powered Beings live and work. You'll create rivals who represent the threats to your home, and you'll power up to defend. your. block....are you ready?

Hit the Streets: Defend the Block is a complete role-playing game system for 3-6 players with a bunch of six-sided dice. It is filled with gorgeous art from Alex Prinz.

The game is geared for short campaigns of 6-10 sessions, but the book has one-shot specific tweaks to make it sing at a convention or with a home group between longer campaigns. This book comes with six pre-built neighborhoods so you can jump right in and start playing tonight.

Hit the Streets: Defend the Block features:
  • Game run by a Game Manager (GM)
  • Players build a pool of 6-sided dice based on their character's stats to roll against a GM-set difficulty number
  • Rolls resolve physical battles, emotional conflicts, player character vs. player character disputes
  • Step by step rules to build a custom map and neighborhood for your game
  • Flexible superpowers to design and define your abilities
  • Rules for teamwork and helping
  • GM resources including: set up questions for your players, finding tension for your game, advice and alternate rules for running one-shots, incorporating important themes, and managing feedback at the end of your game sessions
  • Character Sheet, Team Sheet, Map Sheet, Rivals Sheet, and a condensed Cheat Sheet of rules for easy reference while playing the game
Hit the Streets: Defend the Block
Price: $12.00

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