What was the RPG Pipeline

The RPG Pipeline was a posting board to keep track of upcoming tabletop rpgs from 2015 to 2021 (this Blogger version began in 2019). It covered new English language ttrpgs and ttrpgs going into crowdfunding.

Monday 9 March 2020

Oddity High! [Free]

Oddity High! [Free]:


Welcome to Oddity High!

Oddity High is a tabletop RPG about the life of a Japanese high school student - one who’s also got one foot firmly in the bizarre. It's influenced from the ground up by anime, manga, and video games that take the life of a high schooler and drive it off the deep end: Haruhi Suzumiya, the Persona games, Mob Psycho 100, and many more.

You're a high school student that's probably nowhere close to being ordinary. Whether you’re dealing with aliens, psychics, ghosts, demons, eldritch gods or sentient cats is up to you - but whatever it is, you’re in the thick of it. Fortunately, by happenstance or by design, you’ve got a gang of like-minded, equally-abnormal friends at your side - and with their help, you’ve got a fighting chance at surviving it. Just don’t forget that you’re also going to need to survive high school, as well.

Oddity High is powered by the Apocalypse Engine, the system used by legendary and award-winning games such as Dungeon World, Monster of the Week, The Sprawl, Urban Shadows, Fellowship, and many, many more.

Key Features

  • Unlike most PbtA games, you choose from two Playbooks: one for what you are, and one for your personality archetype. So, for example, you can be a Model Student that's a member of a secret agency, a Space Cadet who's really a robot, or an Otaku that, despite all odds, is actually an ordinary human. (More on Playbooks below)
  • Forget aliens and other threats - the biggest concern you have is school. Juggle your obligations, take part in school clubs, maybe fight to save the universe on the side, and try to avoid having a public breakdown.
  • Everyone around the table plays a part in building the school, designing its faculty, and crafting its rumors.
  • Solve problems in whatever way you're good at - whether that's talking through your issues or using your supernatural abilities
The Playbooks

Oddity High presents you with eleven Real-Life Playbooks. These are who you are - the character archetype you're filling in the anime you and your fellow players are making. The Real-Life Playbooks are as follows:

  • The Brash - what you lack in politeness and restraint, you make up for with energy
  • The Bystander - you’re sensible enough to stay out of this mess, but someone’s taken you along for the ride 
  • The Fanservice - you’re the most attractive person in school - this is both a blessing and a curse at times 
  • The Model Student - whether the class president or the star athlete, you’re studious, respectable, and the faculty’s favorite 
  • The Noble - you’re the senpai that everyone else wishes would notice them 
  • The Otaku - you define yourself by your love of all things nerdy 
  • The Prodigy - you’re far smarter than anyone else you know… and it’s lonely at the top 
  • The Space Cadet - your mind is… different. Whether that makes you a genius or just a loon is very much up in the air
  • The Supporter - the only person who you wouldn’t give everything to help, is yourself
  • The Idol - you're a pop star enjoying your fame - and all the benefits and downsides that brings you
  • The Pragmatist - you're blunt, calculating, and know exactly how to get people to do what you want
There are also ten Other-Life Playbooks. These are what you are - how you deviate from the norm, and what powers you have, if any. They are as follows

  • The Vanilla - you don’t have any powers whatsoever - best of luck out there 
  • The Displaced - whether from another planet or another time, you’re certainly a fish out of water here 
  • The Henshin - you have another form or self that you use to kick ass and fight evil 
  • The Interface - you’re synthetic; built with great powers, but you exist only to serve your Leader
  • The Leash - you have an entity bound to you - powerful, temperamental, and under your complete control
  • The Mascot - you’re not human, but you’re here to help keep these humans from getting themselves killed
  • The Plainclothes - you’re a part of a larger organization, packed with connections, resources, and questionable motives
  • The Volatile - you're powerful enough to destroy any threat, but you lack the control to make sure you don't take the rest of the school with it if you did
  • The Warper - you have the ability to subconsciously shape reality - and you’re completely unaware of it
Each Playbook also has different sub-types that modify your stats, moves, and help define what you are. Once you've created your student, you're ready to start your classes. (Don't be late! And if you are, don't forget your toast!)

What's This Page?

For the time being, this page will host Oddity High's free published materials.  When the book is finished and goes on sale, it will host the PDF available for sale as well.

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