What was the RPG Pipeline

The RPG Pipeline was a posting board to keep track of upcoming tabletop rpgs from 2015 to 2021 (this Blogger version began in 2019). It covered new English language ttrpgs and ttrpgs going into crowdfunding.

Friday, 9 October 2020

Killslash $10.00

Killslash: $10.00

Publisher: Long Games


A Solo-Slasher RPG

You are the legendary killer in a slasher movie - the true hero of the story.  Your next victims are unaware that you're silently watching their every move, waiting for them to make the same mistakes that horror-movie victims always make.


Killslash is a single-player journaling game where you are the killer in a slasher movie. As you hunt and attack four people you write about your experience and learn more about yourself and your victims.

During the game you will choose your victims, answer questions about them, roll dice to attack them, and then roll dice to see how they react. You'll then describe what happens in as much detail gory detail as you'd like.

Will you become the next slasher icon or will your victims outsmart you?


Turn Order

On your turn you will:

1. Choose a Victim to attack and answer a question about them.

2. Describe how and where you find that Victim.

3. Roll a six-sided die to attack the Victim and describe what happens.

4. If they are still alive, roll to see how the Victim reacts, and if they attack you.

5. Answer a question about your Killer.



Player Count: 1

Game Length: 45 - 90 minutes

Pages: 19

Additional Materials: You will need a pen or pencil, something to write on, and a six-sided die (1D6).

Designer: William Long


Price: $10.00

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