What was the RPG Pipeline

The RPG Pipeline was a posting board to keep track of upcoming tabletop rpgs from 2015 to 2021 (this Blogger version began in 2019). It covered new English language ttrpgs and ttrpgs going into crowdfunding.

Friday 29 January 2021

Phanta [$5.00]

Phanta [$5.00]: by @keganexe

Earth Has Fallen:

On the morning of June 14, 1968, a group of hippies fled to the mountains of Colorado to wait for doomsday, as the meteor, Icarus, neared Earth. Prophet Don, the leader of the doomsday cult, reported that after the meteor stuck the planet, California would slide into the ocean, the land would be plagued with horrible earthquakes, and society as we knew it would collapse. Don was correct. 

You are a Survivor, one of a handful of children born from The Children of the Flowers, living in the mountainside town of Eldorado Springs, Colorado. Since Icarus's landing, the planet has seen wars, massive earthquakes, and the atmosphere poison itself. Not in Eldorado Springs though, it's safe here, it's always been safe here. Things are said to live out in The Periphery, the space around the town that none of these problems seem to cross over into, but it's fine here. It's always fine here. Rumor is the atmosphere is starting to clear up, but the people who leave into The Periphery don't always come back. What are you going to do about it?

Phanta is a rules-lite and easy to work with RPG system, designed for fast decisive actions, and lasting relationships, both with the other Survivors you find yourself with, and the other folks in Eldorado Springs. All you need to play is 2-6 players, a copy of the rules, your Survivor's playbook, and a handful of d6s.

Phanta was made as part of the Record Collection 2k21 Jam and is based on the song Phanta by Le Tigre (off their incredible 1999 debut  self titled album).

If you'd like a review copy of this game, shoot me a message on twitter (@Keganexe) or reach out through my website Keganexe.com

Support this game at or above a special price point to receive something exclusive.

If for any reason you can't afford a copy of the game, help yourself to a community copy of Phanta, no questions asked, covered by your fellow gamers :)

Create a community copy one of two ways!

  • Purchasing Phanta  at the $7.50 level adds a single copy to the pool
  • For every $2.50 above asking price that you pay for Phanta, I add an additional copy to the pool

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Hey everyone, thanks so much for making Phanta such a successful launch! This has easily been the best project I've put out to date, and the numbers show it so I just wanna dive into them a little, and then talk about what's coming next for me, Phanta, and Eldorado Springs.

So right up front, this game has more than doubled my previous games in terms of both downloads, and purchases which is great to see! I was really worried as I was working on this that no one would enjoy it, so it's super exciting to see that isn't the case.  I can see what files are and aren't being downloaded, and how many of each which means I have some nifty analytics we can look at, namely in what Survivor Classes are and aren't being played (and I may readjust some things based on this). The (by far) most played class seems to be the Engineer, with Slugger and Healer in 2nd place, and Strategist and Hunter taking up the rear. A little surprising to see Strategist in last place, as it is by far my favorite of the classes, but the people have spoken!

What's next for Phanta though, is well... more Phanta! I'm working on a few things right now which might prove exciting to people who have liked the game so far:

1) I've started work on a free Session 0 Expansion to Phanta in which you build out Eldorado Springs as a physical location via map-making! It is still very early in process, but I've posted a bit here and there on my twitter if you want to keep up with it. Still a ways off, but if you like Phanta you're going to love this!

2) I'm in talks with a local queer owned print shop to get Physical prints made for Phanta! We are still extremely early in this process as well, and what a print version of Phanta might look like is still in the air (are the playbooks part of the main book, or their own prints, and I still gotta look at paper weights, look at pricing, and shipping, so like... it's a process yall) but I'm very excited to hash it out and report back!

3) I'm also in talks with a few podcasters, and Actual Play twitch accounts about a Phanta AP, which is super exciting, but we are way way too early to actually count those chickens.

Also Gail Simone gave Phanta a shout out on twitter! Nothing major but like... it's Gail Simone!!

Anyway I'll update again when there is more news, I'm just super excited about Phanta, and I can't wait to share more from it with yall!

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