Ugis was born to tell stories, in a simple and fun way. It puts together a solid structure for easy, fast, and long-term play, without having narrative limitations from oppressive rules. It is suitable for everyone, from the beginner who has only heard of rpg, to the veteran who has been pounding the tables for decades offering challenges to suit every appetite, always remaining minimal and diligent to the concept that too many rules hurt. This system can create everything from a one-shot, going through individual adventures and ending up in structured campaigns and focuses on role-playing rather than on rules: everything that can be narrated (role-played) should be narrated without worrying about the rules.
Narrowing down, here's a brief introduction:
The mechanics are somenthing like a mix of Risus and Microlite d20, with a bit of Fate and a dash of common sense to mix it all together, all designed to have fun, balanced games without having to sit with your nose in a book. Few rules, suitable for all settings and play styles. Strongly based on roleplaying, it won't disappoint you with its simplicity. And it's also powerplaying proof!
Universal and generic
Ugis is universal and generic. Because it has few rules and is based on roleplay, it can be adapted to all settings, genres and styles of play by modifying a few things here and there - and that's what it was designed for. You no longer need a system for every different game you want to play, you can do it all with this! And it's super easy to GM, too.
Character creation
You can create all the characters you can think of without having to combine classes with characteristics, talents and skills and all that complicated stuff. Here, with the Archetype system, you think of a character and it's pretty much ready. Quick, simple and effective. You have endless customization options and, I can say this without shame, it's really hard to make two characters the same. Plus, as a semi-core part of the system, there are a vast set of "aids" designed to develop your character's personality to let you roleplay them to the fullest.
To me, role-playing games are a beautiful thing that everyone should try. That's why I decided to release the whole game, despite more than 1000 hours of work (a lot more), free for everyone. I want in this way to send a signal, and I hope that someone will take the opportunity to give me a hand. Ugis is in fact thought to be a "framework" on which to build anything, such as hacks, adventures, settings, and homebrews in general... with the intention, perhaps, of building a community of like-minded people (you know, like... the BORGS).
Solo game and Coop
It is not yet complete, but will be very soon, I have devised a system to play alone (Solo) or to emulate a GM (Coop), without having to give up the pleasure of twists and betrayals. Because universal, for me, also means this.
Non-tiring reading
Inspired by books and blogs, the fonts are selected to have the highest possible readability that doesn't strain the eyes, both from screen and on paper. It sounds trivial, but trust me, it's not. And in addition, it's meant to be printed. As soon as it will be complete and corrected for all grammatical errors, and written in a language that everyone can understand, it will be available in physical format.
Summarizing, the game offers:
- few, very few rules and no nonsense ones.
- noob friendly system. Can be learned with a single read and has really simple mechanics to understand and use.
- focus on role-playing (that’s why it’s called RPG).
- possibility to play any kind of setting or genre with adapting rules.
- very high variety and customization of characters with deep personality.
- two different free-from systems to manage magic and super powers
- and to finish, a clean book, full of examples that leave no room for doubt.
With these premises, the game takes the name of UGIS which is the acronym of: Universal and Generic Imagination System.
Have fun with it! And if you'd like, join the community too!

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