What was the RPG Pipeline

The RPG Pipeline was a posting board to keep track of upcoming tabletop rpgs from 2015 to 2021 (this Blogger version began in 2019). It covered new English language ttrpgs and ttrpgs going into crowdfunding.

Wednesday 3 November 2021

Hometown Holiday TTRPG [$6.00]

Hometown Holiday TTRPG [$6.00]:


     It’s the holiday season once again in your quaint small town. There are carols to be sung, decorations to be hung, and charming small businesses to be run. But with all of this holly-jolly hubbub, who has time for love? If only there was an equal-parts gorgeous and bland idiot to show you what this time of year is all about...

     As it turns out, there is! However, you are not the only one looking for love this December, and this town ain’t big enough for all of you (it’s a small town, remember). Flirt, blunder, and trope your way to romance and earn your single chaste kiss with the dazzling dullard of your dreams.

    Hometown Holiday is a comedy/romance roleplaying game for 2-5 players and one GM. Players chose from one of six character classes inspired by tropes from Hallmark and Netflix holiday movies and compete to woo their shared love interest and complete secret objectives! Will you play as uptight businessman who needs to learn the meaning of Christmas? Maybe you run a quaint coffee shop on Main Street and find yourself smitten with a handsome prince! But wait, you forgot to make latkes for the PTA meeting!

     This RPG was designed with newbies in mind, but can be enjoyed by veterans of the genre, as well. Rules are written assuming you've never played another RPG before. Character creation is streamlined, with each player only needing to pick a class and one of two special abilities per class. Games typically take 2-3 hours, and secret objectives and goofy plot twists give plenty of replay value. The game is perfect for holiday gatherings with family or friends, even if they don't know the difference between a d6 and a d20.

     Hometown Holiday is inclusive of all races, faiths, disabilities, and sexual identities and orientations. The movies this game parodies are typically Christmas themed and predominantly starring straight able-bodied white people; by no means does your story have to fit these parameters. The game and how you want to experience it is effortlessly tailored as you see fit for the comfort and enjoyment of you and your friends.

In order to download this TTRPG you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $6 USD. You will get access to the following files:

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