Publisher: Just Insert Imagination
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“Forty years ago, 50,000 people aboard the Horizon2 woke from cryo-sleep to find themselves on the wrong planet—their spaceship had been lying below the waves of a water giant for almost seventy years! The vessel was soon converted into an underwater habitat using its mining equipment and small onboard factories; the colonists named it “Nautilus,” after a story from an old Earth book. Explorers headed out into the depths in small submarines, returning with stories of ferocious aquatic beasts, rich mineral deposits, and mysterious sounds. Small mining, farming, and fishing habitats soon started springing up as the colonists expanded their operations further into the planet’s ocean depths. You are a crew of intrepid explorers, discovering the wonders—and horrors—of this new world.”
Down in the Depths is a Tricube Tales adventure. It is usable as a micro-setting, but it is also a fully self-contained one-page RPG in its own right. The first page includes everything you need to play, while an optional second page expands the adventure generator with examples and twists. The PDF uses layers for ease of printing.

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