What was the RPG Pipeline

The RPG Pipeline was a posting board to keep track of upcoming tabletop rpgs from 2015 to 2021 (this Blogger version began in 2019). It covered new English language ttrpgs and ttrpgs going into crowdfunding.

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Tales of Crisis $1.00

Tales of Crisis: $1.00

Tales of Crisis
Publisher: Paul Springsteen

Here it is.  My TTRPG that I made.  First I have been talking about this on my minds for a while but I will repeat.  I actually created a 76,000 word TTRPG because I wanted to write novels built in a fantasy setting.  If it is built on a game I can info dump about it and reference it in the novel.  This won't be for a while.

This is an IP I think it is called so I get to set ground rules I think(First time doing this and I'm not a legal expert).  Basically I want to write lore and novels on this and I don't want someone stealing it and not being able to do so.  So I think it is safe to say that you are free to make as much homebrew you want about this and make money off of it.  I think just putting it on here states that in their terms of service.  I don't care about what you make.  The only thing that you can't do if I might be so bold is claim that you made it and sue me for stealing what I made.  If that doesn't makes sense congratulations you aren't terrible.  I just heard things about people stealing IP from people and maybe they are horror stories.

Tales of crisis doesn't have that much in the way of lore.  I wanted to do that later.  I tried to build the bare bones for a TTRPG.  It should work.  It it doesn't tell me.  I imagine that there is class imbalance.  A planed imbalance is that I wanted full casters to suck level 1-9 but then be awesome later and martial classes the opposite.  I could have made this longer.  Not bad for 6 weeks of writing about(if memory serves).  I have been probably writing an average of 3000-4000 words a day during that time.  I decided to end one day early to take a brake before I do other things.(I have an epic to eventually write).

So yes it costs money but I'm going to let you preview the entire thing.  Hopefully you should be able to see it so that it is free.  It is just that someone keeps giving me 3 stars so I think it would be funny to make him pay me a full price amount to do so.  Feel free to down vote this or whatever I don't care.  Feel free to upvote it too if you are nice.  The novels will be on amazon(should have one up there shortly within the next 2 months).  Maybe one day I will hire the team of people to make this professional but probably not.

Price: $1.00

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