SHARP (Simple Handy Adaptable Role-Playing) is a generic role-playing system that can be adapted to any setting. It doesn’t include any pre-defined lists of classes, attributes or skills. Players create the characters by defining positive and negative traits using their own wording. A trait can be an innate attribute, learned skill, social achievement, iconic, important equipment or prop.
A framework is included for the GM to create magical traditions. If a character has a magical trait, its casting attributes and limitations can be defined based on this framework. In high magic settings SHARP enables the players to use magic in creative ways without the limitations of pre-defined spells.
SHARP is ideal for players who never played role-playing games before due to its simple rules and fast character creation. However, an experienced GM is required.
- Easy to teach to new players.
- Easy to adapt to any setting without preparations.
- Detailed framework for defining magical traditions and methods.
- Creative use of magic in high magic settings.
- Heroic style play with low chance of failure in tests.
- Expert GM is required with enough experience to improvise and make decisions related to the rules on the fly.
- The improvement of characters is not in focus, it strongly depends on the GM.
- Not suitable for players who like optimizing their characters, finding the best combination of attributes, skills and feats to become a unique master of a field.
Price: $4.50
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