What was the RPG Pipeline

The RPG Pipeline was a posting board to keep track of upcoming tabletop rpgs from 2015 to 2021 (this Blogger version began in 2019). It covered new English language ttrpgs and ttrpgs going into crowdfunding.

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

The Most Important Meal of the Year $0.50

The Most Important Meal of the Year: $0.50

Publisher: Wasteland of Enchantment Games

A solo RPG about the stress of food and family.

When you love people, you want to do things that prove that love and ensure that they love you back. You want to impress them.

This is especially true during the holidays. Driven by traditions, commercials, and hallmark movies, the pressure of being around those your care about reaches a fevered pitch. It can be enough to break a person.

But is it necessary?

This solo RPG asks you to spend some time preparing a fictional holiday feast for important guests, simulating some of the stress of the season.

The Most Important Meal of the Year
Price: $0.50

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