It is a little-known fact that one out of every 10,000 house cats manifests mild psychic abilities. Said abilities are generally limited to small tricks like getting humans to open doors, drop food, or forget to turn off their heated blankets. But for one out of every 500,000 cats, greater powers and vast ambitions lie behind their glowing eyes. These self-styled “Phrenical Cats” have developed superior intelligence, powerful psychic abilities, deep ambitions, and strangely enough, musical talent.
PsyCATS is a mini-RPG inspired by over-the-top cat-based musicals, psychic powers, and various indie RPGs. You take on the role of a singing, dancing, psychic-power-wielding cat on the night of the annual Phrenical Ball, where you, your friends, and your rivals have gathered to perform your musical introductions for Admiral Ragamuffler, the leader of the Phrenical Cats. At the end of the night, the Admiral will declare a winner - a winner who will be permitted to psychically enthrall a human of great influence (Royalty? A president? A social media influence? An indie RPG designer? It's up to you!).
But what's this? Admiral Ragamuffler has been kidnapped by one of your rivals! It's up to you and your crew to get them back - using whatever psychic powers you have at your disposal! Balance your Feral and Phrenic natures and declare your intentions through song in this one-shot novelty RPG!
...My apologies to both T. S. Eliot and Andrew Lloyd Webber.
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